IMDb Polls

Poll: Cinematic Sophie's Choices

As moviegoers, we have been the victims of having to witness some of our most beloved movie characters have to make the most agonizing decisions ever, ones that we ourselves could never, or rather would hope to never, make in our lives.

Other than the agonizing Sophie's choice decision, which can be deemed the quintessential 'hard choice' to make, which of these excruciating decisions in a movie would you find the hardest to make if faced with one?

[Please note: There may be some spoilers ahead].

After voting, you may discuss the poll here.

Results of 1,457 votes:

  1. 1.

    Laurence Fishburne in The Matrix (1999)

    Red Pill or Blue Pill?
  2. 2.

    Brad Pitt and Kevin Spacey in Se7en (1995)

    SPOILER: Kill John Doe and let him "win", or let him live thus causing him to "lose"?
  3. 3.


    Rachel Dawes or Harvey Dent?

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