IMDb Polls

Poll: Favorite Movie Based on a Comic Strip (M to Z)

What is your favorite movie that is based on a comic strip (not a comic book)?

Note 1: Only one movie is listed per comic strip. Also, the strip must have originated first, and not after the characters begin in some other form (book, comic book, television show, etc.).

Note 2: Films are listed in alphabetical order by the name of the comic strip.

Note 3. This list contains strips starting with letters M through Z. Please look for the poll with strips starting A through L.

Discuss here:

Results of 484 votes:

  1. 1.

    A Boy Named Charlie Brown (1969)

    (or any movie in this series) Based on the comic strip "Peanuts."
  2. 2.

    Over the Hedge (2006)

    (or any movie in this series) Based on the comic strip of the same name.
  3. 3.

    Popeye (1980)

    (or any movie in this series) Based on the comic strip of the same name.

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