IMDb Polls

Poll: Best Official Winter Olympic Documentary?

Over the past 100 years, Olympic documentaries have gained a reputation as one of the more interesting subgenres in film. A distinction earned by being important chroniclers of sports history, by telling compelling stories and by attracting master directors. These films aim to capture the soul of the games, while also considering them in a broader social and cultural context. Directors Leni Riefenstahl and Kon Ichikawa are just two examples of directors who have used their Olympic opportunity to push the boundaries of filmmaking. Source: Criterion - Olympics 100 Years of Olympic Films: 1912–2012

Which of these select official documentaries about the Winter Olympic Games is the best, so far?

Discuss the topic here.

Make Your Choice

  1. Vote!

    Crossing Beyond (2018)

    Official Pyeongchang 2018 Olympic documentary
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    Rings of the World (2014)

    Official Sochi 2014 Olympic documentary
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    Bud Greenspan Presents Vancouver 2010: Stories of Olympic Glory (2010)

    Official Vancover 2010 Olympic documentary
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    Bud Greenspan's Torino 2006: Stories of Olympic Glory (2007)

    Official Torino 2006 Olympic documentary
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    Salt Lake City 2002: Bud Greenspan's Stories of Olympic Glory (2003)

    Official Salt Lake City 2002 Olympic documentary
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    Olympic Glory (1999)

    Official Nagano 1998 Olympic IMAX documentary
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    Nagano '98 Olympics: Bud Greenspan's Stories of Honor and Glory (1998)

    Official Nagano 1998 Olympic documentary
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    Lillehammer '94: 16 Days of Glory (1994)

    Official Lillehammer 1994 Olympic documentary
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    One Light, One World (1992)

    Official Albertville 1992 Olympic documentary
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    Calgary '88: 16 Days of Glory (1989)

    Official Calgary 1988 Olympic documentary
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    A Turning Point (1984)

    Official Saravejo 1984 Olympic documentary
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    Olympic Spirit (1980)

    Official Lake Placid 1980 Olympic documentary
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    White Rock (1977)

    Official Innsbruck 1976 Olympic documentary
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    Sapporo Winter Olympics (1972)

    Official Sapporo 1972 Olympic documentary
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    Challenge in the Snow (1968)

    Official Grenoble 1968 Olympic documentary
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    Snows of Grenoble (1968)

    Official Grenoble 1968 Olympic documentary
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    IX Olympic Winter Games, Innsbruck 1964 (1964)

    Official Innsbruck 1964 Olympic documentary
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    People, Hopes, Medals (1960)

    Official Squaw Valley 1960 Olympic documentary
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    White Vertigo (1956)

    Official Cortina 1956 Olympic documentary
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    The VI Olympic Winter Games, Oslo 1952 (1952)

    Official Oslo 1952 Olympic documentary
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    Fight Without Hate (1948)

    Official Saint Moritz 1948 Olympic documentary
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    Jugend der Welt. Der Film von den IV. Olympischen Winterspielen in Garmisch-Partenkirchen (1936)

    Official Garmisch-Partenkirchen 1936 Olympic documentary
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    The White Stadium (1928)

    Official Saint Moritz 1928 Olympic documentary
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    The Olympic Games Held at Chamonix in 1924 (1925)

    Official Chamonix 1924 Olympic documentary
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    Beijing 2022 (2023)

    Official Beijing 2022 Olympic documentary

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