IMDb Polls

Poll: Abbreviated Name Writers

Who is your favorite writer with partially abbreviated name or surname?

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Make Your Choice

  1. Vote!

    J.K. Rowling

    Harry Potter
  2. Vote!

    J.R.R. Tolkien

    The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings
  3. Vote!

    C.S. Lewis

    The Chronicles of Narnia
  4. Vote!

    H.G. Wells

    The Time Machine, War of the Worlds
  5. Vote!

    George R.R. Martin

    A Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones
  6. Vote!

    H.P. Lovecraft

    The Call of Cthulhu
  7. Vote!

    P.L. Travers

    Mary Poppins
  8. Vote!

    J.M. Barrie

    Peter Pan
  9. Vote!

    J.D. Salinger

    The Catcher in the Rye, A Perfect Day for Bananafish
  10. Vote!

    Louis C.K.

    Horace and Pete, Louie.
  11. Vote!

    T.S. Eliot

    The Waste Land
  12. Vote!

    J.J. Abrams

    Felicity, Alias, Lost, Fringe
  13. Vote!

    T.E.B. Clarke

    The Lavender Hill Mob, Sons and Lovers
  14. Vote!

    I.A.L. Diamond

    The Apartment, Some Like It Hot
  15. Vote!

    C.S. Forester

    The African Queen
  16. Vote!

    D.H. Lawrence

    Lady Chatterley's Lover, Sons and Lovers, The Rainbow, Women in Love
  17. Vote!

    E.L. Doctorow

    Wakefield, Billy Bathgate
  18. Vote!

    E.M. Forster

    A Room with a View, The Machine Stops
  19. Vote!

    W.P. Kinsella

    Field of Dreams, Sister Ann of the Cornfield, Dance Me Outside
  20. Vote!

    P.D. James

    Children of Men, The Black Tower
  21. Vote!

    A.A. Milne

    Christopher Robin, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
  22. Vote!

    R.A. Salvatore

    Forgotten Realms
  23. Vote!

    A.J. Cronin

    The Stars Look Down
  24. Vote!

    W.R. Burnett

    The Great Escape, Scarface (1932)

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