IMDb Polls

Poll: BOOM! There Went a Million Dollars

What is your favorite movie where they spent a million or more dollars while filming a single scene?

After voting, please discuss here.

Make Your Choice

  1. Vote!

    Pearl Harbor (2001)

    Japanese Surprise Attack ($5.5 million)
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    Saving Private Ryan (1998)

    D-Day Landing ($12 million)
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    The Matrix Reloaded (2003)

    Highway Chase ($10-15 million) AND All those Agent Smiths fighting Neo

    Burly Brawl ($40 million)

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    Swordfish (2001)

    Flying Bus ($15 million)
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    Transformers: The Last Knight (2017)

    Junkyard Scene ($15 million)
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    The Matrix (1999)

    Opening Scene ($15 million)
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    Speed 2: Cruise Control (1997)

    Ship Crash ($25 million)
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    Ben-Hur (1959)

    Chariot Race ($34 million)
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    War and Peace, Part III: The Year 1812 (1967)

    Battle of Borodino ($100 million)
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    I Am Legend (2007)

    Brooklyn Bridge Sequence ($5 Million)
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    Superman Returns (2006)

    Return to Krypton scene ($10 Million)
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    The General (1926)

    Adjusted for inflation......The train wreck off of the bridge scene is close to ($1 Million)
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    Vanilla Sky (2001)

    NYPD closed down Times Square. The emptying of people cost was just over ($1 Million)
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    Spectre (2015)

    Rome car chase. Estimated at (North of 20 Million Pounds UK)
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    1917 (2019)

    For those that have not seen this.....The whole movie is a single scene technically!
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    Iron Man Three (2013)

    Air Force 1 almost crashing ($3 Million)
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    Cliffhanger (1993)

    Stuntman Simon Crane was paid a million dollars to traverse a rope between two aircraft. Never mind the cost of filming it!
  18. Vote!

    Cleopatra (1963)

    The "Rome" scene adjusted for inflation ($8 Million)

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