A Chaotic But Fairly Amusing Pioneering Effort
26 August 2004
This chaotic but fairly funny feature was a pioneering effort in its camera effects. One of the first special effect devices that film-makers learned was the stop-action technique of creating visual illusions, and this movie is pretty much devoted to experimenting with that idea. The editing is quite choppy, and the camera effects here are not going to look smooth or impressive now, of course, but this was one of the earliest films to use them. If you can make allowance for the rudimentary technique, it's amusing enough.

The actual story is pretty simple, starting out with "Uncle Josh's Nightmare" about a battle with a demon. Mostly of it is just unrefined slapstick, and it would have looked a lot better with even slightly more refined technique, but it does well enough given its limitations. The 'Uncle Josh' character was popular enough that he was re-used in a couple of other films by the same production company.
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