Boris Karloff was a Lawyer in this Classic Film!
28 October 2003
Just recently taped this great film Classic and enjoyed going back in time to 1929 and enjoying a picture directed by Lionel Barrymore for MGM. This black & white film with foggy scenes of London and a group of British former officers drinking scotch and soda and singing old tunes while their fellow comrades died like flies, kept you wondering who the killer really was. There was mention of the "Green Ghost through out the picture and it seems this film was originally called "The Green Ghost". It was funny seeing painted words on the kitchen wall, "Waste NOT" WANT NOT" The big shocker was seeing Boris Karloff, "Bedlam" '46, appear as a lawyer and reading the last will of their fellow officers. Karloff was grateful that Lionel Barrymore gave him an uncredited role in this film, which boosted his recognition on the silver screen. Roland Young(Lord Montague) "Topper"'37 gave a very comical and dramatic performance and would be considered very slap stick in this generation. Dorothy Sebastian(Lady Efra Cavander) former Ziegfeld Gal put some so called action into the film with her very close-cut hair style. Most films in the late 1920's are very hard to find, this is a gem that was great viewing and took me way back in time. Enjoy this film, if you can find it !
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