Review of Just Imagine

Just Imagine (1930)
The Future Ain't What It Used To Be
6 August 1999
One of the weirdest movies of the 1930s, this sci-fi musical is set in 1980 and includes a trip to Mars as well as moderne sets, clothing, and vehicles. This film is an explosion of creaky production numbers and vaudeville set pieces (starring the famous fake Swede of the era--El Brendel). Along for the ride are Maureen O'Sullivan (she sings!), Frank Albertson, and John Garrick. The real gem here, however, is the wonderful Marjorie White, a pudgy dynamo who reminds me of Bette Midler. Tragically, White was killed in a car crash in 1934. Brendel is funny, White is a whirlwind of talent, O'Sullivan is lovely, BUT this whole does not equal its parts. Best line in the film is when Brendel spies the Queen of Mars but then points to her mincing minion and states, "She's not the queen ... HE is."
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