Renegades (1930)
Long, turgid talkie
26 March 2003
Well, it isn't a very exciting film; it's quite slooow for the most part and poorly acted, even in 1930 terms; and has little cinematic value. It is not completely awful though. This is the worst performance I have ever seen from Myrna Loy - You will know where the term "cardboard cut-out" came from, and Warner Baxter is his usual over-dramatic, bombastic self. In my humble opinion he was one of the most overrated actors from that period, always seeming to play very righteous characters.

Considering its' broad acting, Bela Lugosi is actually quite good and stands out as a breath of fresh air from the others. He even swings his robe over his body and walks out the tent door in his theatrical 'Dracula' style!

There is some camera movement, but most of it is long dolly shots of two people having a conversation. Victor Fleming had not quite honed his workmanlike style and is quite far from Gone with the Wind in this one. And the plot is absolutely ridiculous - a very typical half-baked one from that period. Not really worth anyone's time, except as a curio for fans of the actors/director or early talkies.
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