Broadminded (1931)
Thirties slapstick
26 July 2002
Early talkie does not utilize the talents of Joe E Brown to the fullest. I'm no Bela Lugosi fan, I didn't even notice he was in the movie, so that is irrelevant. Joe E Brown plays another one of his shy templetons who is sent away from the city because his dad thinks he is getting into too much trouble, which of course is all a misunderstanding. There, he meets a girl and falls for her and a guy, probably Lugosi who is hounding her. Complications arise as Brown is always in the wrong place or in uncompromising situations. Scenes of note are Brown imitating a baby, a funny slapstick finale with Brown running around in his PJs in a hotel and trying not to be seen. Mistaken identity and sexual innuendo is also rife. That's about it.
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