Free Wheeling (1932)
Free wheeling fun!
3 August 2002
"Free Wheeling," a Hal Roach "Our Gang" entry from the 1932-33 release season, shows the Rascals at their peak. Dickie Moore plays the poor little rich boy who wants to play with his pal Stymie - but Dickie's doting mother insists he can't rough it up because of his stiff neck. Dickie wants some excitement in his life, and Stymie promises him excitement on his taxi made from cardboard, wood, and powered by a mule!

Dickie's dad and the doctor agree that all Dickie needs is to go outside and run and jump and play. Mother won't hear of it, however, and Dickie and Stymie sneak away on the taxi. Chaos ensues, however, as the mule gets away from the taxi - and Dickie, Stymie, Spanky and Jacquie Lyn "free wheel" it down a hill! Will Dickie's parents find them in time?

Truly a "Little Rascals" classic, "Free Wheeling" succeeds on many levels. First, the performances of the children are natural and playful. Second, the film is aided by blending comedy with the drama of the taxi "free wheeling". The only drawback to the film is the obvious backscreen as the children race downhill, but since this is 1932, one can forgive the antiquated special effects.

If you saw "Free Wheeling" on television when you were growing up, chances are you never forgot it. Funny and action-packed, the film deserves its ranking as one of the best "Our Gang" comedies from this period. 10 out of 10.
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