Law and Order (1932)
Stark and Rugged
6 December 2002
A stark and rugged early talkie western, Law and Order stars Walter Huston and Harry Carey, and is basically a fictionalization of the famous gunfight at the OK Corral. The names are changed to protect the innocent(and the guilty) but this is basically the same story. W.R. Burnett's novel provided the basis for this film. Young John Huston was one of the screenwriters.

Those who think that all early sound movies are chatty comedies and lugubrious soaps ought to take a look at this one. It's fast-paced and realistic, and ends in a breathtaking and amazingly well-sustained blaze of violence and gunplay. Director Edward Cahn proved himself a master on this one. He mostly directed B's and short subjects, and yet on this one occasion showed himself the equal of a Ford or a Hawks.
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