Follows The Formula Very Well
22 April 2004
Watching THE LIVE GHOST I was reminded of how this short resembles very many other L&H shorts . This isn`t meant as a criticism in any way but it`s remarkable how many other films feature Stan and Ollie fishing , we see them do the same in BONNIE SCOTLAND and MURDER CASE and a few other of their laugh fests . Does anyone know if these two comedy greats were obsessed with fishing in real life ?

THE LIVE GHOST also shows the duo are at their funniest when Stan plays the hysterical coward who sadly deludes himself if he goes running to Ollie he might able to do something which a big mistake since Ollie plays an arrogant and hypocritical coward lecturing Stan that there`s nothing be afraid of . The script telegraphs what the pay of is going to be ( Not to mention the title ) with Stan running around squeling EEEE - EEEE - EEEE , Ollie howling OOOOHHH - OOOOOOHHH - OOOOHHH and this reviewer going Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

The supporting cast of Long , Busch and Housman more or less play the parts that they do in all the other L&H shorts ( Again not a criticism ) so when all is said and done this is certainly one of the most typical short features with Stan and Ollie so is certainly worth watching
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