Two contrasting serials released back in the 1960`s
12 November 2002
I saw both serials that were released back in the 1960`s on television.The bad one where "the Rattler" wears many different masks is available on tape,the other one-the really good one in my opinion-is not available where "the Rattler" uses sophisticated electrical equipment deep within the mountain where he is hiding to gain control of the whole area."The Rattler" is more dangerous with his electrical equipment than William "stage" Boyd is from the "Lost City" serial that I have also seen on television back in the 1960`s.Many people were killed in this serial."Ken Williams" just happened to ride on the scene and wanted to help out after all the murders.In the second or third chapter he comes very close to "the Rattler" and fights with him on top of a large stone,but "the Rattler"hits him and he is knocked off the stone.After that,"Ken Williams" is fighting mostly with the many men "the Rattler" has available for some time in the serial.The ending is very good-its much better than most of the other serials I have seen,the serial is better than "The Miracle Rider" and much better than the one where "the Rattler" wears different masks.This is one of the best serials I have ever seen because it introduces many strange elements into it and also because the chapter endings are real good better than the one with the masks.Also "Ken Williams" is not noted as some one special-he just happened to come along and decided to help out playing a lone hand."Breezy" did not have as much time in it as the one with the masks.This serial has a unique sort of texture in it that you will not forget especially for a cowboy movie.
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