6 October 2003
As a Scot I really do resent how American movies portray us . We all have incomprehensible accents ( I can`t understand a word Scottie from STAR TREK says and I`m Scottish . Perhaps they should have employed a Scottish actor ? ) , we all have funny names like Gregor McGregor ( Randell Wallace is an American with a Scots sounding name , Scots are usually called Jim or Dave ! ) , wear strange skirts called kilts ( We only wear them at weddings ) and play strange instruments called bagpipes . It goes without saying this L&H feature plays up to the stereotypes but seeing as it`s Stan and Ollie all this cliche can be forgiven , same as I can forgive all the other flaws one can expect from seeing one of their movies after a period of many years , it`s rather episodic and loosely plotted with the main story of Stan and Ollie joining the army not happening untill half way through the movie`s running time , but it`s also funny and James Finlayson ( A Scottish actor ) getting to play a Scottish Sergeant called " Leatherpuss "

By no means one of their greatest highlights - The features seen slightly drawn out compared to their shorts - BONNIE SCOTLAND is still one of the better L&H feature length movies
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