A nice comedy short
25 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This is another nice comedy short from Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy. Oliver is marries and Stan has a room in the house of Oliver and Mrs. Hardy. After dinner Laurel & Hardy want to go to a ballgame, but Mrs. Hardy does not allow it. They have to do the dishes instead. Of course that does not go very well.

Minor spoilers.

They also have some trouble with a man who comes to collect some money because they have bought some furniture. Laurel thinks it is a good idea to use the saving money, but Mrs. Hardy thinks it is a stupid idea. Hardy does it anyway, but instead of paying the furniture guy he spends it by accident on a clock. Mrs. Hardy is not happy and smashes Hardy in the hospital. What happens there is not for me to reveal but it is one of the funniest scenes I have seen in a Laurel & Hardy comedy short.

Other moments are quite funny as well. Although some of them are predictable, especially the scenes that deal with the clock, they do work. The final moments make sure this is better than average. Recommended.
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