Very funny 1930s British comedy
13 September 2002
June Knight is a London musical star with little talent but a huge press following. Bit players Jack Buchanan and Maurice Chevalier nearly get cut from her show. They can't believe the fuss that the press makes about her lost dog, because the dog was only lost a few minutes. They devise a publicity stunt where Chevalier will stage Buchanan's murder. If Buchanan can walk into the courtroom after Chevalier is convicted of murder, they know that they will get a lot of newspaper coverage. The only problem is that nobody seems to care that Buchanan is missing. And when Chevalier finally convinces the police that he is a murderer, Buchanan is mistaken for a Balkan revolutionary and is kidnapped. As Chevalier is waiting on death row, Buchanan is lined up for a firing squad in the middle of a revolution!

This long unseen British comedy by French director Rene Clair is very funny and has a lot of "black" humor that we don't associate with 1930s comedies. It was only released by poverty-row distributor Monogram in the United States, and then with some footage cut out. The ingenious screenplay will keep you guessing until the end of the film. Highly recommended!
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