Gold, Is Not What This Film is
25 June 2003
This is the kind of film that makes you wonder why would anyone want to put money into making this "who cares" kind of film. I don't give a damn about the story or characters, or problems they faced in fighting for their land in this rather fictional film. There's not one onuce of exciement in this film, except the rather expensive and well structured sets that were put into. Boring script, cardboard characters,(except,Claude Raines) and (especially, George Brent) and poor story, makes this a rather boring film to watch. Where's Errol when you need him. He would of fit nicely in the role of George Brent's character. But then again think about it, he doesn't these kind of movies. It's a good thing the rather talented and beautful Olivia de Havilland made The Adventures of Robin Hood in the same exact year this movie came out. With the release of Robin Hood, people all but forgotten about this one. The technicolor for this film is rather poor and looks very faded. Watch Robin Hood of the same year and you will see just how different and glorious the color of that film is, compared to this ill- faded film. *1/2 out of ****
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