13 September 2000
The distributor has given this material the respect it deserves.

Perhaps, the best comic book feature ever made! This was the original. Like the earlier 1930's serial "Flash Gordon", there is a sincere attempt at translating a comic book to the screen. And it's fun for both kids and adults!

While, screen serials like "The Shadow" did not manage to live up to it's radio original, this one is a winner. I would guess that Steven Spielberg saw this, prior to making "Raider's Of The Lost Ark".

The guy, Captain Marvel, does look silly running around in a cape...but, this is surprisingly good entertainment. Anyone who passes on this, has missed a good action offering. Possibly, superior to Tim Burton's "Batman"; the "Superman" movies, which featured Christopher Reeve; and, it's NOT bloody violence, like the action films of today.

Highly recommended.
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