The funniest Bugs Bunny you'll never see.
16 December 2001
Unless you can find this in a video store that deals in obscure or underground films (which is how I found it) chances are you will never see this short. Too bad, it's damn funny. In place of Elmer Fudd, we have a little black sambo stereotype as Bugs' foil. The kid is, of course put through the same rigors that anybody foolish enough to hunt Bugs, gets put through. It is capped off by Bugs hypnotizing the kid by rattling a pair of dice, and taking all of his possessions in a crap game. Is it wrong to laugh at, I don't think so, if that were then the case, it would be wrong to laugh at Redd Foxx or Richard Pryor, or when they rip on Whitey. (And are hilarious when they do) I doubt Warner Brothers will ever release this, or many other of their cartoons that are on this same level, on DVD. Which in a way, is kind of sad...
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