It's true; ghosts can't do it.
11 May 2001
Isn't it always the way? Just because some snobby twit has a title and a frilly blouse he gets all the attention. Well, what about me? I'm a Canterville ghost, too! Where are my movies? Where's Oscar Wilde's story about me? The sad truth is, there will never be a movie or a book about my sorry life, but thanks to the kind folks at IMDb, I can at least tell you what I think of this silly little film!

But first, a little about me. Raleigh Knibbles is the name, and I've been haunting the stables at Canterville Manor since 1811 when a manure cart overturned on me and I was smothered to death under a pile of fresh pony droppings. But you'd never know that from watching this film; I don't even get a mention! All they show is that bag of phlegm, Sir Simon! He couldn't scare a nervous rabbit let alone a manor full of soldiers. Now, if I'd been in this movie, you would have seen some real frights! I have this one trick where I pretend to hang myself with my own intestines, and another where I literally stick my head up my own- well, you know. But nobody wants to see that sort of thing in a family picture, I suppose. Still, this movie did have one or two good points; the hunting scenes in the beginning were fun, and that little Margaret O'Brien is a dear one. I could hug the stuffing out of her, I could!

Well, I must be off. Some tourists are coming round later to view the grounds and I want to give them a good show. Forget this movie and read the book instead, it's much more interesting. Now, where did I put my head...
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