Knocks THE SPOTS off most modern comedy
21 November 2001
I saw this film a month ago and it instantly took a place as one of my all-time favourite comedies; the enthusiastic feedback of most of the other IMDB reviewers begs the question, Why hasn't it got legendary status on a par with, say, Bringing Up Baby or His Girl Friday?

The core of the film is the amazing chemistry between Eddie Bracken and Betty Hutton; they summon up extraordinary levels of endearing daftness as Norval and Trudy, out of what was obviously very edgy material for its day. Presumably it was the sheer ludicrous charm of their repartee that drew the censors' fire. The early proposal scene, for example, combines pathos and ridiculousness like I've never seen done before and the result is immensely funny. William Demarest and Diana Lynn provide top rate support as Trudy's curmudgeonly father and smart-alec kid-sister and the entire film sprints along as a delicious combination of verbal dexterity and outlandish slapstick.

Now how do I get hold of some other Preston Sturges classics?
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