Slight war-time romance only fairly absorbing...
14 October 2003
The trouble with THOSE ENDEARING YOUNG CHARMS is that you never really are convinced that Laraine Day's choice of Robert Young as the man she wants as a husband is a sensible one--will he ever change his stripes? Young plays a smooth heel who takes Day away from would be suitor Jerry (Bill Williams in his first movie role). Williams was the real-life husband of Barbara Hale and just getting started in films.

Young never seemed quite at home in these sort of roles--his suave manner is almost convincing but his character only reforms slightly toward the last reel, making Day's impulsive choice seem just a bit unreasonable. Ann Harding has an effective supporting role as Day's mom who cautions Day against the love'em and leave'em character played by Young.

Not bad as these sort of things go--but don't expect anything deeper than a cushion. Laraine Day is lovely as always with her bright eyes and dimpled smile and makes an appealing heroine. But she seems too smart to really fall for Robert Young's playboy. Bill Williams plays a happy go lucky guy in an affable enough manner. Too bad he was only able to find a few other good roles in the '40s.

The dialogue has a soap opera flavor to it--but the cast makes it worth watching.
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