20 December 2003
It's A Wonderful Life tells the story of George Bailey, an honest, hard-working resident of Bedford Falls who dreams of seeing the world. We learn in flashback how circumstance and his own good heart have prevented him from pursuing his dream until one Christmas Eve, when a dark night of the soul pushes George to the brink of suicide and he is saved by divine intervention. George gets the chance to see what life would be like in Bedford Falls if he had never been born and realizes the true importance of his life.

It would be easy for people to miss the true meaning of It's A Wonderful Life and dismiss the film as sentimental nonsense due to the corny opening scene and the appearance of a supernatural angel. However, it is hard to think of another film that examines the overwhelming complexity of one individual's life so deeply or questions how our choices affect the lives of others.

It's A Wonderful Life contains some of the most unforgettable moments in cinema. Once George is redeemed, we are treated to a moment of life-affirming splendor which suddenly lifts the spirits of the viewer after the relentless darkness and gloom that has preceded. The snow-storm that only hours earlier mirrored the bleakness of George's situation has now converted Bedford Falls into a winter-wonderland as George races through its streets with a renewed joy for life and all its miraculous beauty.

I don't think I will ever tire of seeing the truly heartwarming final scene in which George finally learns his reward for the sacrifices he has made in life. The best line of the film comes when Harry returns early and offers a toast (`…to my big brother George - the richest man in Bedford Falls') recognizing the real treasure of the friends George has rather than the superficial treasure of material wealth. An impromptu and communal singing of `Auld Lang Syne' then swells into a euphoric crescendo to close the most perfectly crafted film ever committed to celluloid.
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