Goddard/MacMurray duo!
17 November 2001
Fred MacMurray and Paulette Goddard made this 1947 film for Paramount which marked their fourth and final picture together. Having appeared together in earlier classics like STANDING ROOM ONLY, THE FOREST RANGERS and ON OUR MERRY WAY [although they didn't perform together in this all star cast].

Paulette comes home from serving as an army officer to find her lawyer husband [MacMurray] wants a divorce. She refuses, and prospective spouses [Macdonal Carey and Arleen Whelan] complicate the couple's situation. Unfortunately a bad script with a worn out subject, didn't help the stars make this a winner. Although both Goddard and MacMurray were at their top form. The supporting cast just didn't have the ability for comedy to keep up with the stars.

This is surprising as Mitchell Leisen [who directed Paulette in one of her outstanding films, KITTY] didn't make much happen in this. I guess it's a matter of the studio assigning a picture and the stars obligated to film it. There is one plus side to this film. The pin-up artist of the time, Vargas, did a stunning full portrait of Paulette. It was used for all the ads for the movie.

This is rarely seen [I have a VHS [a poor one] made for me from the film. The stars looking terrific, couldn't make this film rise above a B rating movie.
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