Seeing the Seal scene with Walter Pigeon was worth the whole film
16 March 2003
I will not give away the plot, but will give my own run down on the characters. Walter Pigeon-he is good, but stuffy in his role-his best part is with the Seal. Greer Garson-L.B. Mayer must have wanted to punish her with this wacky role. Elizabeth Taylor-her first grown up role, I cannot believe MGM wanted her in grown up roles so soon. She is pretty, but seriously folks-she looks more like she is about to attend a sock hop. Peter Lawford-has an odd role, but not too bad. I think he was overall film wise the best human part. Nigel Bruce-as a dirty old man friend of Walter's. Reginald Owen-he was in it for just a bit and this was sad-he was a good actor and added much to films. Cesar Romero-talk about a challenging role, he plays a cockney speaking Englishman! Corny, but not bad. The Seal-this animal and his antics with the stuffy Walter Pigeon are priceless-the very best thing about the movie. Forget Elizabeth Taylor-the Seal acts and looks better in this film than she does. Sorry Liz.
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