would like to see this version
25 April 2002
I'd really like to see this version. I must admit, I loved the 1980 film when I first saw it as a kid and in its edited version as well. I've seen it again recently, and it is pretty cheesy. But the fun kind of cheesy.

I was really curious about the original source for the movie, because I read that it was originally based on a book written at the turn of the 20th century. So I went to amazon and lo and behold, you can actually download the book for $2.99. (It's funny to read it on the computer because at one point the author talks about Emmeline holding a package about the same size as the book you are holding now.)

The characters of the book are much more subdued and introspective than the 80s characters. There was one lovely section of the book where Emmeline is wanting to go back to the other side of the island. She has been scared of it since they found Paddy dead, but she decides she wants to return because she's not afraid anymore. She had a child and now knows that death may be a void, but life comes out of that void as well.

I don't know how the 40s movie ends, but the 80s movie ends exactly how the book does. I don't think it is necessarily a happy ending. The sailor says "they're sleeping" but Paddy says those were the "never-wake-up berries" and you've got to wonder if this time he was right. Also, in the book the Uncle starts to have the some doubt about whether "rescuing" the children from paradise is something that is necessarily good for them.
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