Great cast,funniest Clark Gable since "It Happened One Night"
28 February 2003
Warning: Spoilers
In my opinion,this is one of the best movie pairings I've seen. Clark Gable and Loretta Young have great chemistry together.In fact,I think Gable may be at his zaniest here,and I like his performance more than any of his other films I've seen. Loretta Young also surprised me here; she shows she is capable of comedy equal to any of Gable's other costars. *Warning readers-spoilers ahead* Her fight scene with Marilyn Maxwell (as Sheila the 'Atom' Dancer)is a hoot! I'd never have believed Loretta Young would do wrestling throws. I also enjoyed Raymond Burr playing the bad guy,and his fight with Gable made me forget this was a comedy/romance for a while. Frank Morgan(the Wizard of Oz) is also wonderful as ding-a-ling Fire Chief Duggan. One last thing,the music ties in with San Francisco very well,no wonder since the composer of the song "San Francisco", Walter Jurmann is listed in the credits for original music! I could go on and on,but I hope I've changed your opinion about seeing this movie.
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