Light romance, great costumes, lovely leading lady
19 July 2004
After a string of highly profitable low-budget melodramas and sudsy love triangle, Germany's reigning box-office queen Ruth Leuwerik finally got a worthy part that did full justice to her considerable talent: 'Koenigliche Hoheit' was adapted from a novel by Thomas Mann -- who, according to all reports, was pleased with the film version. Ruth Leuwerick stars as an American heiress raised in Europe. She falls in love with stiff and dull Dieter Borsch, a handsome but shy German prince. Their romance seems doomed when Borsch is obliged to enter into a marriage of convenience to save his country from bankruptcy. A fortuitous 11th-hour plot-twist prevents the film from being merely another variation of The Student Prince. 'Koenigliche Hoheit' might have benefited from a lighter directorial touch than the one displayed by Dr. Hans Braun.
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