BOYS WILL BE BOYS.... and so will grown-ups...
29 September 1999
The idea for this film was brilliant. How do you get a "too" macho, "too" rough and ready, "too" blustery, know-it-all combat Major to understand his men and be a leader they would follow anywhere???

You let children teach him, of course!

Take his troops away and assign him to be the commandant of a young boys military school. A rag-tag group, about to lose their ROTC rating (and the Major's way back to grown troops) because of their ineptness, and , well, lack of leadership. (Oh, by the way, the school is run by nuns!) The Major's career is riding on his success, and he hasn't a clue. Methods used on adult combat troops only produce tears and resentment in children, who are afraid enough just living away from home.

The children are delightful and involved in the sort of movie nonsense that is very endearing and entertaining. Major Benson is given a good lesson, by his "men". He eventually becomes their leader and more importantly earns their respect. In the end, Major Benson is doomed to become a human being. Have fun watching it.....
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