A complex and unique coming-of-age story.
8 April 2004
Rebel Without A Cause is a coming-of-age story. It manages to be both simple and complex, with interwoven themes of maturity, decisions, rebellion, friendship and love. Ultimately, though, Nicholas Ray's film asks the viewer: what makes a man?

James Dean stars as Jim Stark, whose name represents his character quite well. He is a confused yet passionate, questioning everything around him, wanting desperately to define himself in a complicated world. James Dean's portrayal is excellent - he is intense and intriguing, able to convey level-headedness and wild emotion and switch between the two without missing a beat.

Jim Stark begins the movie with a prolongued shot of him prone on the ground, completely drunk and playing with a toy of some sort. His tie and jacket tell us that he is from a good background, thus we can tell that he is a rebel - completely out of his environment, in a world he doesn't belong in. The toy represents the danger he flirts with - he continuously skirts the edge of real trouble - this can be seen from a prologue that was not included in the final film, which explains the story behind that toy.

We follow Jim through his first day at a new school, where he quickly meets up with and befriends "Plato", showcasing an impressive performance by Sal Mineo. Plato is a wiry and loyal ally who wants only to find friendship and stability in his life. His emotions are high-strung at all times. At first seeming like the typical tag-along stereotype, one eventually realizes his character is one of the most deep and significant in the film.

Going on a field trip to a local observatory, Jim almost immediately finds himself again in the midst of the adversity he had been trying to escape from. Without giving any details, a few mistakes here eventually build up to the plot that drives the story.

"Rebel Without A Cause" tells a unique and significant story. Aside from a few flaws - Natalie Wood's shallow and uninteresting character comes to mind - the film is extremely engaging and intriguing. It rings with complex ideas and fascinating characters. Its universal themes ensure that it will remain a classic with audiences of any age.
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