The Conqueror (1956)
Vigorous, unusual, funny and spectacular!
2 November 2003
In the 1950s, people liked Cinemascope and Technicolor movies...

Epic movies with gigantic battles, huge and fantastic sets and costumes, were massive projects and hugely popular...

One of them is 'The Conqueror' played by legendary actors...

The film deals with Mongols, Merkits, and Tartars struggling for survival in a harsh and arid land.. Plunder and rapine were their way of life and no man trusted his brother...

The Mongols, led by Temujin (John Wayne) and his blood brother Jamuga (Pedro Armendariz), attack a Merkit caravan, capturing the untamed princess Bortai (Susan Hayward), daughter of Kumlek (Ted De Corsia), ruler of the Tartars and slayer of Temujin's father...

Temujin's mother, Hunlun (Agnes Moorehead), fears Kumlek's wrath, and she begs Temujin to set Bortai free, but he refuses... Despite his vow to avenge his father's death, Temujin was fascinated by the girl's beauty and fire..

The Merkits attack in an attempt to rescue the hot-blooded Bortai but are defeated... Bortai escapes but is soon recaptured by Temujin, who declares he will make her his wife... But later, she lets him know how much she despises him: 'Before that day dawns, Mongol, the vultures will have feasted on your heart!'

Temujin waits... The Mongols then go on to Urga—a Chinesea town ruled by the powerful Wang Khan (Thomas Gomez).

The mighty ruler welcomes his guests and entertains them at a banquet... Bortai attends and is seated next to him... She suddenly decides to dance for the Khan and, taking two swords, starts her exotic dance... At the end, having discarded one of the swords, she aims the other one at Temujin...

As Genghis Khan, the 12th Century Mongol warrior whose coming changed the face of the world, John Wayne won't disappoint his ardent followers...

The highlight of the film is the sensational veil and swords dance Susan Hayward performs... Hayward looked radiant in her wrath...

Agnes Moorehead nearly manages to steal the show as her imitation of a talking prune is absolutely extraordinary...

Two of Wayne's sons had bit parts as warriors...
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