Loving You (1957)
The King swings and sings till your ears ring
4 December 2001
Well, The Big E does it again....fails as an actor, that is. This junk was "Jailhouse Rock" without the jail [which is where I would rather have been than watching this piffle]. Can't the producers find someone to teach The Big E how to lip synch....and act? I howled with glee watching The Big E "playing guitar". It is pathetically obvious the man has no idea which end of the thing goes up. When chords change, he merely lifts his hand and lowers it to the same position on the neck [most likely at the signal from some off stage flunky]. I got a kick out of the finale when The King came on stage in those oily jeans with the cuffs turned half way up to his knees and did all that lock legged shakin'. Frankenstein has more rhythm than this herky jerky stiff. The Big E should have lent his talents to other things.... like selling encyclopedias.
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