Apes of Wrath (1959)
Been done better in another cartoon
15 December 2003
The stork has been too accepting of hospitality when delivering babies and loses a baby gorilla. Eager to make his delivery on time he kidnaps Bugs Bunny and tries to pass him off as a baby gorilla.

I'm struggling to remember the name of the short, but this basic plot (Bugs as an apes' baby) has been done before and done better. In this cartoon a drunken stork is to blame for the situation, which leads to some reasonably funny jokes. The actual cartoon is an amusing battle of wills between Bugs and the ape father (who's first reaction to seeing his `son' is to get a club!). It is funny but it suffers from comparisons with the other one (that I only saw a few weeks ago).

The animation is poorer for a start. Here it is quite blocky and the apes really lack any real sense of effort in their creation. This is not a major problem because the material is amusing enough to get by, but it does take away from the thing overall.

Bugs is good enough to get by even with a weak foil, but here the gorilla, despite not being that great, is good enough to do what he needs to do - be able to get hit on the head by Bugs. The mother is OK but has a strange voice.

Overall, this is amusing enough to watch but it suffers when compared to an earlier Bugs cartoon which did the same basic plot but did it better.
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