This movie is the prime example of 50s B movie sci-fi.
4 July 2004
This film is a prime example of the low budget 1950s B movie sci-fi. This movie is the 50s and that's the best reason of why you should see it. Anyone who is interested in 50s sci-fi, has to see Teenagers From Outer Space. The flaws are so numerous they can't be counted, and the acting is as bad as the script. The only monsters in the movie are the Gargons, which are lobsters. Apart from these flaws, Teenagers From Outer Space is a fun movie. I've watched it several times and find it very entertaining. The alien's death ray gun is quite impressive, as are the scenes in which it is used. View this movie remembering it is 1959. I would think this film would have been quite popular and very scary back then. Sit down, relax and get a bowl of popcorn. Pop in the DVD or VCR and have a good time watching this fun, exciting 1950s sci-fi thriller.
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