As good as any Italian sword-&-sandal flick you'll find
7 October 2002
This movie is actually pretty decent, if you like the old ancient mythical -type "sword-and-sandal" movies. If you're familiar with them at all, you'll know the routine: swordfighting; some boring conversation that you can't possibly give a rat's _ss about; more swordfighting; weird monsters that mangle a few guys, then are slain by the hero of the story, who looks like he's the black market poster child for steroids; MORE inane, boring conversation; then usually at the end some really evil guy that did nothing but stand around and talk during the entire movie gets whacked. THE END. And, when reminiscing about the movie, all you will remember is: MAN that guy made Arnie in "Hercules of New York" look like someone who needs sand kicked in his face! But it does have a very slight entertainment value for the really cool cyclops battle(especially the final spearshot lol!). If you like the old Italian strongman flicks dubbed in english it's a pretty decent flick, if not, you're wasting your time, unless you're an insomniac and don't like to take pills.
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