Review of Psycho

Psycho (1960)
Wish I could've seen this in '60
21 August 1999
I hate that I knew about the shower scene before I ever saw the movie. I hate that I went in thinking it's a movie about Anthony Perkins/Norman Bates instead of Janet Leigh/Marion Crane. But even knowing what I did when I first saw it didn't take away too much from this masterpiece.

Norman Bates, ever the victim, cleaning up after his mother's misdeeds. What great acting by Perkins. His delivery of such lines as "We all go a little mad sometimes... Haven't you?" with the chuckle in the middle. The look on his face when that car wasn't going to sink all the way. The way Arbogast had him flustered and his mother almost came out, "I'm not a fool and I'm not capable of being fooled... Maybe she fooled me but she didn't fool my mother!" What a great line that was anyway.

Someone suggested that Vince Vaughan did a better job in the '98 version of Psycho. Oh no. No no no no no. In the original you really believe Norman Bates is an innocent victim. You're really kind of hoping he'll pull it off. No way he could've killed the girl. Vince Vaughan himself looks like a murderer.

This movie gets a big fat 10 from me.
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