The Wild Ride (1960)
Fun from start to finish
19 April 2004
This may be my favorite "JD" flick. Nicholson is great as Johnny, the kid who constantly gets into trouble, and who is the "big man" of his gang of troublemakers. Of course there's one guy in the group who is getting a bit tired of Johnny being the leader (especially since his girl seems to be falling for Johnny) but he is still too scared of Johnny to do anything about it.

Johnny does have a friend he is a little soft with, Dave, who is getting on Johnny's nerves still because he is dating a "lame chick." But Johnny always defends Dave to the other gang members, even when Dave loses a game of "chicken" with an oncoming truck.

Johnny definitely has attitude, like with a cop: Cop (getting a folder on Johnny): Here's your record. Johnny: Did I make a record?

Or when Johnny is buying booze... Clerk: Do you have ID? Johnny: Yeah. Clerk: May I see it? Johnny: No.

Virtually every single line in this film has some kind of "hip slang" of the times in it, which makes it non-stop fun and absolutely hilarious. You have to pay attention all the way through as not to miss another classic line.

Nicholson is a complete blast to watch. These are the kind of JD films that are worth viewing, not overrated stuff like "Rebel Without A Cause."
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