How would you interpret this film?
17 March 2003
The characters may or may not know each other. The relationships developed between the characters may or may not have been real. This film is open to interpretation to say the least. I have only watched this film once and this may be to my determent but sitting through this film again would be torture.

Watching this film creates a surreal world of eerie characters in a dreamlike state. The characters are vacationing at some type of upper-class spa in Europe. The male lead (X) is trying to convince the female lead (A) that they had an affair the previous year that led them to become deeply in love with each other. The woman has no recollection of this affair and basically the movie entails the male character trying to convince the female character of the worship they have for each other but it seems the woman is in denial or the male character is mistaken. The third character (M) who could be the woman's (A) husband reminds me of Frankenstein. He is tall slight man who never loses at playing this triangle game with toothpicks. He seems to linger around being in the right place at the right time to reinforce his uncanny creepiness.

My simple interpretation of this film is that when the characters are wearing black they are conscience, when they wear white they are dreaming. A complex interpretation would be that memory is subjective in each individuals mind. This means that what the man remembers may be true but the woman is trying to suppress the memories because of her apparent marriage to Frankenstein (M) making her recollection objective. A positive note about this film is the cinematography and the use of lighting and point of view to create intense visual imagery. The ornamental detail of the architecture of the hotel is awe inspiring, documenting detail that is not apparent in the world I live in.

I am sure another look at this film may uncover some details I overlooked but I don't think that is going to happen in the near future.
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