English version is horrid, avoid at all costs.
26 September 1999
There's a music store near my home that has a video-rental wall full of "Psychotronic" like films... the clerk told my wife and I that if we wanted something that really was screwed up, we should rent Puss 'n' Boots.

Welll... the guy was correct, but it wasn't what we were looking for. The dubbing is absolutely horrid; the voices are incredibly grating, and the whole experience is akin to psychological torture. My wife left the room about 30 minutes in, and I made it to the end, barely.

This movie really doesn't lend itself well to MST3K type drubbing, nor is it amusingly wacked-out. It's a horrible experience. There is no redeeming quality in it, and it's a sin that the person responsible for the dub attempted to foist this upon the children of America (granted, maybe the youth of America can stand this better than an adult, but there's no excuse for passing off cut-rate work just because the intended audience isn't conscious of quality yet.)

Note that my comments refer only to the English version- I have no experience with the original language version; it could be fantastic for all I know...
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