Review of Play It Cool

Play It Cool (1962)
feeble 60s pop music shambles
5 May 2004
This early effort from Michael Winner should have been much better than it is. Like other films from the period it showcases popular music artistes and tries to give them something more to do than just sing their songs. So here, Billy Fury as 'Billy Universe' is supposed to be acting, and he's hopeless. I'm not saying he was a poor singer but he was certainly a poor actor.

The guest appearances range from the curious (Bobby Vee, the man with a totally square-shaped head!), to the out-of-place (Helen Shapiro, far too good even as a kid for this rubbish), to the seriously scary (was there ever really a reason to inflict Lionel Blair on the cinema-going public?). Watching it all the way through takes some patience and there isn't really enough to it to interest a wider audience.
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