Aqua Duck (1963)
Reasonably funny one joke short
11 January 2004
Daffy Duck is lost in the desert and eventually decides he needs to dig for water or he'll die. Did as he may, he can't find water but does find a large lump of gold. However a little desert rat also sees him find the gold and plans to take it from him by fair means or fowl (sorry), something that becomes harder for Daffy to resist as he begins to hallucinate.

Despite the little plot device of the gold and the mouse, this whole short is about Daffy going nuts in the desert due to lack of water. So he thinks he sees a lake, a telephone, in a bar or at a baseball game; all of these are punctuated by the mouse trying to get Daffy to give him the gold for water. While the punctuation isn't funny, the hallucinations are quite good and worth watching.

Like any short, the characters are important and Daffy does well to hold the attention. Here his two characters merge a little - he is greedy and ruthless but also is a little crazy too like he used to be. The desert rat has very little character and very little to do but perhaps the wiser thing was to very much let Daffy carry the film.

As it is this is an amusing little cartoon that trades on the hallucination gags more than anything else but it is worth seeing if you are a fan of Daffy, as I am.
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