Mostly watchable, but definitely shows its age
17 July 2003
First of all, let me comment on a misconception in some other reviews: the "search for the lost treasure of an exotic civilization" plot predates Spielberg's Indiana Jones, Peck/Sharif's Mackenna's Gold, this Belmondo vehicle and even Franz Lang's 1919 Spiders. The creators of That Man from Rio clearly knew what they were doing when they decided to use this hoary plot and make gentle fun of it.

Unfortunately, the execution is not particularly good. Indifferent camera work and a fatal lack of any "dramatic tension" sense make the movie more tedious than entertaining. In addition, Belmondo, who had had his big break four years earlier, isn't as sparkling as he could be just a few years later. You can tell he tries, though.

Having said all that, there are a few good things that need to be said about the movie. The viewers are kept guessing whether A or B is The Bad Guy until the final revelation. A few moments during the obligatory bar brawl scene look fresh. There is a minor but amusing twist at the end of the jungle sequence.

Mostly watchable -- although you may check your watch a few times -- so let's say 5/10.
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