No practical advise here.
12 June 2000
Warning: Spoilers
The title is very misleading. For a "how to" movie, this one just doesn't cut it. The plot revolves around circumstances and methods that are simply too specific. In the movie, Jack Lemmon's character lives in a townhouse with a new high rise going up next door, a situation which is central to the plot and, therefore, his method. Not many people live in that sort of neighborhood. He didn't poison her, shoot her, run her over with his car, or take out a contract on her. I don't want to be a spoiler, so I can't reveal how he did it. Suffice to say it was not a method anyone else could put to use. Very disappointing. To make matters worse, he didn't really get away with it. Anyone can murder their wife and get caught. The trick is not to get caught.

If one is looking for a practical method to do away with one's female spouse, he would do better to read the local paper, where on almost any given day there is a story of a local boy doing the dirty deed. Just figure out where he went wrong and go from there.
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