O.K. Crackerby! (1965–1966)
Not your basic Sit-Com
4 August 2001
Burl Ives was always a delight to watch. Even in a dog of a wannabe sit-com like this one about a wealthy man who detests pretension but hires a erstwhile albeit down on his luck Hahvahd school tie to advise him on the ways of the haves (as opposed to the have-nots). The resemblances to Moliere's The Bourgeois Gentilhomme are to be expected but Crackerby (a play on the term, 'cracker,' for a red-neck) only wants to know what they know and doesn't give a rat's nose if he impresses anyone. In one episode, he bankrolls the local symphony, getting a crackerjack conductor and does some serious trading to get a first rate orchestra together. However, the night of the performance, he disdains attending remarking, "I only listen to Country and Western." It was a fun, although short-lived show that didn't take itself too seriously and every once in a while, had a bit of content far beyond today's sit-coms where the cast sits around making stupid remarks spotted with even more stupid facial expressions to the tune of canned laughter.
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