31 May 2004
this movie was shown on the b.b.c.last night immediately after clint eastwoods brilliant ESCAPE FROM ALCATRAZ, it was late ,eyes were drooping,thought a bit of horror would go down well,

what a shocker (in the worse sense), with it being filmed in 1965 you automatically expect A HAMMER PRODUCTION

*****THIS IS NOT A HAMMER PRODUCTION******* and boy can you tell, the acting is wooden,the women are not bad but certainly not the seductive,voluptuous type were are use to in HAMMER FILMS and the plot basically just silly and to be frank nothing really happens, needless to say it was the longest hour and a half of my life, well,

tiredness got the better of me, if it was a good film i would have stuck it out, but, the awfulness took its toll and the off button swiftly was pressed.

did this film give me nightmares ? YES but once i fell asleep i was o.k.

watch this at your peril.............. as my mum would say "wouldn,t frighten the cat"
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