They're off to See the Wizard.....
26 August 2000
Visual artistry, fine acting, a John Carradine performance weighted more by subtlety than flamboyance, accurate scientific research, careful, attentive direction, and a tight, coherent script all WOULD have made this film a good one. But Alas it was not to be! This is a muddled mess about four astronauts that must land on Mars only to follow a yellow brick road to an empty Martian city(one crumbling building). The scientific knowledge used to fuel the script has more holes in it than a chunk of swiss cheese. I must confess the concept has(had) possibilities, but under the grade z budget and the lacklustre acting, etc... it becomes a test of endurance for the viewer..whether or not he or she can see the film without dozing off. The first forty minutes or so are nothing more than the four astronauts walking around in a desert and a bunch of caves, constantly reminding us of the little oxygen on the planet and their own low supply. Funny that, however, as fires raged all over the planet. I always thought a fire would not burn without oxygen...but then again science isn't my strong suit( nor the people's that brought us this film). Finally, the astronauts reach the city with a red dome, find a dead/living alien intelligence and talk with the bust of John Carradine(for over fifteen minutes...a real test of endurance here). After this, I have no idea what really happened, but was glad whatever it was ended. The film is not the worst I have seen...and there are a few good moments, but the budget is just soooo low. A real eyelid drooper!
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