The Magilla Gorilla Show (1964–1967)
He in the window MAGILLA GORILLA full of charm and appeal: handsome elegant intelligent sweet: he's really ideal!
29 April 2004
Wouldnt you want a gorilla like MAGILLA you could call your own? Of course not! He was a dopey over-bearing oaf as the other poster stated. I was just working on my 70s & 80s website ( when I realized I had almost "forgotten" about MAGILLA: then it all came flooding back to me and I couldnt believe I ever forgot! MAGILLA GORILLA was a 70s cartoon (in the 70s when we kids had no cable and thus had to watch whatever slim pickins TV offered) it was about a gorilla that lived in the window of Mr Peebles pet shop. Mr Peebles wanted like the devil to rid himself of Magilla but even when Magilla got bought the unsatisfied customer would bring him back by episodes end. The one person who actually loved Magilla was the cutest little girl in the world O.G. ("Because I always say "oh gee!") But even that must not have worked out cuz sure enough tomorrow morning Magilla was back in the shop. This show also featured Mush-Mouse and Pumpkin-Puss(who I vaguely remember but not as well as I remember...)and Ricochet Rabbit and Droop-Along("Bing bing bing!!!Ricochet Rabbit!!!") This is a show that as much as I loved it as a kid Im sure that I would feel rather CLOCKWORK ORANGE trying to sit through it as an adult.
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