Review of Star Trek

Star Trek (1966–1969)
Gasous Ball of Fire Mission
31 May 2000
Well,that's what STAR TREK means, doesn't it? A gasous Ball of fire is a star isn't it? And a trek is a mission isn't it? Anyway, I thought I'd be correct but star trek just rolls off your tongue doesn't it? Personally, I can't really identify with this series and it sort of turns me off because of the tacky props and costumes. And I know what all the trekies are thinking of me right now when I say this, but I grew up watching STTNG and it had better graphics and I'm sure it was great in the '60's but I was born in a high-tech world and that's what I'm used to. I recently saw the episode where these people come on to the Enterprise and want to get to the planet called Eden. I'm sorry, but those were the cheesiest (and most revealing) outfits I have ever seen. Crazy man. Who would have thought people of the 23rd century could look so much like hippies?
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