Good, classic SF flick
14 May 1999
This is a good, focused, suspenseful movie, a classic in its genre and of lasting interest. Since the Good Doctor was allowed to fix plot problems, this movie is pretty tight in scientific accuracy and consistent suppositions. This sets it *way* above the typical fantasy junk the studios foist upon us as "science fiction". On a small screen (like 17" TV), the grandeur of the effects loses something, and the movie develops slow spots. Of course, the effects of 1966 appear a bit tame against current technology, but still hold up well overall. Also, this being an Asimov/1960s combination, the characters are a little shallow, as the story focuses on roles and plots more than depth of characterization. This focuses the viewer on the adventure rather than complex motivations -- the simple roles are plenty to drive the secondary plot. The casting also supports the movie well: strong, established character actors in their accustomed range. For the intended audience of adolescent male science geeks (remember: 1966), there is Raquel Welch in a white, form-fitting uniform.
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